Hunting in Namibia
Hunting in Namibia is usually carried out between May and October due to the summer heat. Their season is 6 months out of sync with ours.
Our main hunting area is in the Etosha Conservancy which comprises of 20,000 acres of game fenced property and 7,000 acres of open low fenced land. We also have access to 880,000 acres of desert/scrub in Damaraland and Kaokaveld which is west of Etosha National Park.
The normal hunting day is virtually the same as in South Africa but due to the heat a break is taken in the middle of the day to relax or take a siesta.
Hunting in Namibia is strictly controlled by a permit system which does not allow anyone to take more than 2 trophies of any one species.
If cull hunting is undertaken no part of the animal is allowed to be exported.